Conditions of Entry – CDA Theatre Festival 2024-2025

Cornwall Drama Association



All societies, groups and schools affiliated to the CDA are invited to enter

Cornwall Drama Association Theatre Festival

PLEASE NOTE – you should read these terms and conditions and then you will find the application instructions at the end.

The purpose of the Festival is two-fold: firstly, it is designed to assist societies and to improve standards through WRITTEN ADJUDICATIONS; secondly, trophies and certificates are awarded each year to winners in the Festival COMPETITION. In the competition, awards will be made to those societies which, in the opinion of the Adjudicators, best meet the challenge of the Festival. The Adjudicators will base their decisions on acting, direction, presentation, and all-round enterprise.

All societies are welcome to request a written adjudication.  Entry to the Festival Competition is limited to the amateur status of the group.  We, therefore, ask that you declare the involvement of any professional aspect of your production.  These particular elements will not be considered for an award, but will not disqualify your production from entry into the Festival.  Please contact or the relevant moderator for further details if required.

1. The Festival year runs from 1 September and ends on the following 31 August
2. There are two sections in the Festival, both of which cover adult and youth performances:
(i) PLAYS SECTION (Two or more 1 act plays will be accepted providing the running time equals a full length play – please state running times on entry form)
3. All Adjudicators will be drawn from the current panel of Adjudicators authorised by the Cornwall Drama Association, and normally two Adjudicators will attend a performance.
4. Societies, groups and schools may enter more than one production during the Festival period. Any group may win more than one award.
6. THE ENTRY FEE is £37 per production. Cheques payable to Cornwall Drama Association  or payable by BACS
7. Groups will be adjudicated in their performance space during a normal public performance of a production. There will be no spoken adjudication. In due course (usually within 14 days) the director named on the application form will receive a confidential report. The Adjudicators will see one performance of the play, and additional adjudications cannot be considered, for cast changes etc. Any queries arising from the written report should be made in writing by the Chair of the Society and directed to the Vice Chair of the CDA Committee.
8. No marks will be revealed at any time.
9. It is requested that Directors/Secretaries send the names and ages of cast members who are 18 or under with the entry form. This is to enable the adjudicators to assess the young people for the ROY CROSLEY AWARD, made to outstanding young actors taking part in the Festival.
10. A production will be entered in the Festival in the year in which its run starts. A production that straddles two festival years can be entered into either festival year at the discretion of the Co-ordinating Adjudicator.

11. One copy of the play/script must be sent with the entry form. However, no copies of Shakespeare’s plays will be required, nor well-known musicals or any pantomimes (please check with adjudicators if in doubt). These copies will be returned to the societies with the written adjudication. No photocopied scripts will be accepted by the adjudicators unless these have been approved by the publishers.

12. The moderating adjudicator will agree with you a date to attend. Please make sure that two complimentary seats are reserved for the adjudicators, and also that they are provided with two complimentary copies of any programme material for the performance.

13. Members of the current adjudicating panel can enter any production of which they are the DIRECTOR only as a non-competitive entry.

14. All societies are welcome to request a written adjudication.  Entry to the Festival Competition is primarily focused on amateur involvement  The application form asks you to declare the involvement of any professional aspect of your production.  From September 2023, the adjudicators will take into account any professional involvement and the degree to which it has affected your production, without it necessarily preventing you from being considered for any award. 

Please contact one of the adjudicators named on the entry form if you have any queries about these rules.

PLEASE NOTE – we would really prefer you to do the online form below. If this is just not possible for you, you will find the paper form at the bottom, but please contact the adjudicator by email as well so they know your application is on the way.

You will receive a copy of this entry to the address you enter as “Your email” in the form.

Please use a copy of this form for each entry to the Festival The Conditions & Rules for Entry are above.

Please pay your entry fee by BACS if at all possible to Cornwall Drama Association, sort code 30-98-98  account number 00783632. Also please not that from 1st September 2024 the fee is £37. If you cannot do this please sent a cheque payable to Cornwall Drama Association to our Treasurer at

10 Bosmeor Rd
TR11 4PU

Please send a copy of your script – we do not need pantomime scripts. Please make sure you put enough postage on the package and send to:

Jo Nicolle
Eastwood House.
Grampound Road
Truro TR2 4EH
Tel  07708 495480

Click here for the paper entry form