About Us

Membership – Group – £20, Individual – £10. Fill in our application form here.

The Cornwall Drama Association was formed over 60 years ago.   Its elected committee members come from all over the county, representing affiliated amateur groups and individual members interested in drama.   Its officers are elected within the Committee.   Membership by payment of a small fee is available to drama groups, schools and to individuals.

Our purpose is to support Amateur Theatre in Cornwall and to organise the annual CDA Theatre Festival.

We arrange occasional workshops and courses for member societies and for members of the public. Professional tutors are usually brought in to run these courses.  It is also possible to arrange courses at a member society’s own venue.  Committee members are glad of suggestions for courses brought to them by member societies.

The annual CDA Theatre Festival has a two-fold purpose:   firstly it is to assist groups and to improve standards of productions through WRITTEN ADJUDICATIONS provided by our panel of approved adjudicators.  Secondly it MAKES AWARDS of trophies and certificates to winners in the FESTIVAL  COMPETITION.   These winners are chosen by the adjudicators during their year of visiting productions.   A list of nominations is published in the autumn, and the presentation of awards takes place at THEATRE DAY in late October.  There are two distinct sections in the Festival, one covers  the PLAYS SECTION, and the other is involved with PANTOMIMES, MUSICALS and REVUES.  The Festival runs from the beginning of September to the end of August in the following year.

THEATRE DAY:  this is a splendid social occasion when member societies, individual members and members of the public meet at a hotel for a day’s course, an excellent dinner, the presentation of awards, and a disco.